795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18

11.51 $
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Price dropped by 0.26 $

Lower than average, a bit

Reliable seller: 89%

Above average, safe to buy, QIANBAIHE Store

  • More than 9 years of seller experience
  • High general feedback score (2865)
  • Customers are satisfied by communication
  • Items match description
  • High shipping speed
  • 2.5% of customers were dissatisfied over the last 3 months

Customer reviews



795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Mail lost the first parcel, but the seller sent a replacement, from a second try it came, diode of rare long wave, there is no connection scheme, but the seller promised to send to the Mail. I'll connect, check, I'll write.
The seller is responsive and pleasant in communication, delivery is recommended to take more expensive, oh, this post of Russia...
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Mail lost the first parcel, but the seller sent a replacement, from a second try it came, diode of rare long wave, there is no connection scheme, but the seller promised to send to the Mail. I'll connect, check, I'll write.
The seller is responsive and pleasant in communication, delivery is recommended to take more expensive, oh, this post of Russia...
Mail lost the first parcel, but the seller sent a replacement, from a second try it came, diode of rare long wave, there is no connection scheme, but the seller promised to send to the Mail. I'll connect, check, I'll write. The seller is responsive and pleasant in communication, delivery is recommended to take more expensive, oh, this post of Russia...
October 16, 2020


795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - A good seller, the diodes are alive, after testing I'll describe what happened. Despite our mail, which has lost one diode, everything is in order, since a new one was sent out.
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - A good seller, the diodes are alive, after testing I'll describe what happened. Despite our mail, which has lost one diode, everything is in order, since a new one was sent out.
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - A good seller, the diodes are alive, after testing I'll describe what happened. Despite our mail, which has lost one diode, everything is in order, since a new one was sent out.
A good seller, the diodes are alive, after testing I'll describe what happened. Despite our mail, which has lost one diode, everything is in order, since a new one was sent out.
October 28, 2020

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Seller Wuhan Lilly Electronics Co., Ltd.
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0decorative imageratings
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Photos from buyers

795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Хороший продавец, диоды живые, после испытаний дополнительно опишу что получилось. Не смотря на нашу почту, которая потеряла один диод, всё в полном порядке, так как был выслан новый.
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Хороший продавец, диоды живые, после испытаний дополнительно опишу что получилось. Не смотря на нашу почту, которая потеряла один диод, всё в полном порядке, так как был выслан новый.
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Хороший продавец, диоды живые, после испытаний дополнительно опишу что получилось. Не смотря на нашу почту, которая потеряла один диод, всё в полном порядке, так как был выслан новый.
795nm 35mw 5.6mm InfraRed IR Laser Diode TO-18 2024 - Почта потеряла первую посылку, но продавец выслал замену, со второй попытки дошло, диод редкой длинной волны, нехватает схемы подключения, но продавец обещал выслать на почту. Подключу, проверю, допишу. 
Продавец отзывчив и приятен в общении, доставку рекомендуется брать подороже, ох уж эта почта России...
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Product specifications

  • Тип товара: Проблесковый свет лазера
  • Название бренда: Q-BAIHE
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